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Think Gazette


Message from our Chief Principal

Learning to be a Global Citizen in the Early Years

‘Global Citizenship’ sounds like a topic that might be too early for discussion at the kindergarten level. However, at Think, we believe that nothing is too early; it only depends on how it is approached.

We all believe that children should learn about themselves, about what happens around them, and about how things around them interact and work with each other. They should also learn that their actions affect others, good deeds lead to good things and they all have a role to play in this world, now and in the future, to build a better world. Topic by topic, children learn that we are all connected and that it is important to be good citizens starting at an early age.

The topics, Life Education & Spring, are coming up in our curriculum. Children will learn that everything has a life cycle, starting from the birth of plants, insects, animals and us, the people. Each living thing in this world has a place on this planet. Trees grow and give us shade and oxygen. Bees grow, help plants grow and give us honey. Fish grow, give the ocean life and give us food. Farmers groom the fields and grow vegetables and fruits for us. Doctors and nurses look after people. The list goes on and on. We should all honour and nourish life on earth.

The topic ‘People who help us’ focuses on the notion that we all work well together to make this world beautiful. Children will learn that good deeds lead to good things and they should take part in it, and help build a beautiful world. There are things and people around us who need help. If we can, we should help them out. Our topics of discussion are not only educational, but we are also appealing to the children to care for others, leading them to be good ‘global citizens’.


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為使幼兒更容易理解對「生命教育」的理念,學校於各級也設計了一個名為「春天及生命教育」的主題。教育幼兒最直接而有效的方法就是透過幼兒的五官去學習。意思就是利用一些幼兒能看見、觸摸到、聞到、聽到,甚至用口嚐得到的方法去學習。春天是一個萬物生長、百花盛開、小昆蟲活躍,充滿生命力的季節。學校以春天作為一個引入點,讓兩、三歲的幼兒透過參觀公園,種植豆子等活動去認識及體驗到植物生長的過程,樂在其中。幼兒更會認識到小動物,例如小雞、蝴蝶、小貓、小狗等的生長過程。幼兒認識到成長的奧妙,真是太有趣了! 繼而,他們會認識到小寶寶是從媽媽的肚子生出來的,學習尊重生命及感謝爸爸媽媽帶給他們生命。使他們明白要尊重及愛護自己及別人的生命。

LK的幼兒會透過參觀公園及認識公園裏康文署的設施,知道原來有很多工作人員天天辛勞地工作,是爲了提供我們一個舒適的休憩環境。幼兒更會就社會上幫助我們的人作更深入的專題研習,認識到原來社會上各行各業均有著不同幫助我們的人, 是值得我們感謝及尊重的。

課程延伸到高班的幼兒了,香港的春天的天氣大多數是大霧及潮濕, 幼兒會學習到原來在這天氣裏也有著不同的幫助我們的人,例如:機場控制塔及。燈塔的工作人員堅守崗位確保海上及空中交通的安全運作。繼而,他們知道原來大自然對人類的影響是這麼大的。例如,遇到天災的時候,人們有可能會喪失家園及缺乏食物。慶幸的是,有很多自願組織如無國界醫生、宣明會、紅十字會等等的義工組織會伸出援手幫助有需要的人。


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