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Think Gazette

April 2023

Message from Chief Principal

Welcome back to Normal School Life

Finally, the pandemic is over. We are back to normal!

We kick-started our normal school life by having a joint campus event in March, with over 600 participating families and 1500 participants in our first gathering, our annual Kiddies Sports Day at Kwai Chung Sports Ground. It was a huge success and such a pleasure for us to meet up with all of you, with the greatest and most cheerful spirit; thank you everyone for participating. We had the best time, and how lucky were we with the unpredictable Spring weather; it was a full blessing.

Moving on with normal school life and venues opening back up, we are starting to resume field trips as planned in the curriculum. There have been a lot of positive feedback from parents and excitement from the children; before the trips everyone could hardly stop talking about their anticipation and after the trips, they were so pleased to reflect on their experiences. And with the mask mandate being lifted, the children have especially enjoyed having food-tasting/cooking activities, snacks, and lunches in the classroom. We hope you will enjoy our sharing on the glimpses of our fun-filled school life in this and upcoming editions of Think Gazette. Thank you once again for your unwavering patience, trust, and support in the past three years.

As we all know our last day of school will be July 19th this year. With the extra time in the summer, we hope the children can enjoy more learning time and social interaction with others and can make up more on what they missed in the last few years. We invite everyone to join us and have a blast with us, it will be a guaranteed rewarding summer month you will not want to miss. And as for our team of teachers, they will receive their well-deserved 3 to 6 weeks of summer holidays, to take rest, vacation or visit their families overseas.

Lily Choy, Chief Principal


Sharing Corner

Horray! Bye, bye, mask!

After attending school with a mask on for three years, we are finally returning to the time when mask-wearing is no longer part of daily school life. We are so happy to see our children's, teachers' and parents' gorgeous faces as we say 'hello' when we come to school. We are humbled and grateful that we are now able to enjoy our time spent together to have snacks and meals, go out for school trips and activities, and participate in special events. We look forward to having more campus fun and special activities in the months to come.

三年的疫情終於緩和了! 回想這三年,幼兒經歷了停課、網課、口罩令和社交距離措施等,喪失了很多社交、學習的時光。幸好,這一切經已過去了!隨著口罩令在三月份解除,我們終於可以看清楚每一位幼兒天真可愛的笑臉!復常後,幼兒亦可以跟同伴在校園裡一起吃茶點、一起到不同的地方遊歷學習、參與開放日表演及聯校大型活動,大家也感到十分興奮!現在,我們一起看看幼兒快樂的校園生活及家長的心聲吧!

Campus Activities

Mei Foo Campus

Laguna City Campus

Nam Cheong Campus

Ma On Shan Campus


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 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30 am-5:30 pm,​​ Saturday: 9 am-1 pm

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